Thursday, 19 March 2009

Sharing pictures

If possible, could you please take a picture of your favourite place to be while playing games and mail it to research dot game at gmail dot com. Either mail the full picture, or mail a link to where you have uploaded the picture. The pictures will only be used for research purposes, unless you give specific permission for other use. I may use the email address to ask for permission later.

It’s only fair to exchange pictures.
Here you can see my favourite spot, where I sit to play World of Warcraft on my trusty, but aging, dell xps m1210. In the black fake leather ottoman I store spare cords, cardreaders, digital cameras, reading glasses, WoW walkthroughs, different chargers, headsets, pens and paper, and a lot of other things I feel I need to have close while gaming.

And this is me, in the same spot, checking to see if I have had any responses from you all!

There’s tea in the cup on the table, and when I am lucky, a cat on the blanket next to my spot.

Thank you for participating in this project. For updates about this particular project, check this weblog, The Gamers' Space. For general updates on my research and work, check Thinking with my fingers.


  1. Liker prosjektet deres! Skal laste opp bilde av riggen og plassen min når jeg får mulighet :)
    Hva slags lykkeamuletter/symbolske ting liker du å ha nær deg når du spiller?

    Jeg pleier å ha en Darth Vader bobblehead, en plasmaball, en post-itblokk og et krus med penner, fjærpenn og blyanter i seg.

  2. Da har jeg sendt deg en mail.

  3. Jag vet att vi är långt inne i maj redan, men vill du ha fler svar eller kort på "spel-platser" kan jag ordna : )


  4. Ja takk Fligga!

    Jeg har ikke skrevet noe her på en stund. Et dødsfall avbrøt prosessen for meg, og jeg har ikke klart å komme inn i arbeidet igjen i disse eksamenstider (ikke jeg som har eksamen, alle studentene mine!). Men derfor er jeg fremdeles interessert i både svar og bilder!


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