Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Gamers at The Gathering

Part of this project includes a visit to one of the largest LAN parties in the world, The Gathering. This takes place each year during Easter, in Hamar, Norway.

Wednesday 8th of April I'll be at The Gathering in the afternoon, together with the Italian researcher Luca Rossi. I'll be looking for gamer groups, guilds and individuals, in order to interview them and take pictures of their computers and their presentations of their own spaces.

The reason for this is to see what gamers consider important when they are together with other gamers and computer users in an event where the computer, the network and the digital culture is in focus. This is the space where the machine, the play and the use of computers is more important than any other considerations, where the conflicts are not about whether there should be technology or potted plants, but about whose technology needs more space and power.

I hope to meet many nice and eager gamers there, to be permitted to take pictures and have some answers to my questions. Feel free to contact me if you see me walking around, as I will be looking to talk to people.

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